Hello, So, We have reached the last quarter of the year. The year started good but by the end of three months Corona took over the television prime time and the lives of the people around the world. We may be safe but no one was left unaffected by its toll on the physical, mental and emotional health. Well, lets hope things turn out better as the world turns a year older in a few months. Sharing a few of my artwork from this week... Oh! The light and the camera did not do much justice to the Pumpkin attempt but it surely looks better on paper . I am sticking to painting/drawing Pumpkin this month and would share my progress as a try to create a better version. 😁😁😁 So, let's call this one - 'Pumpkin- 01' Tried creating the 'water flowing under a bridge' and somewhere the perspective got haywire. I guess the colours have tried their best to save it . This is on my 'to learn' list. This 'PAGE' above is a practice run for next year. I just hav...