
digital drawing 01

This time i have these digitally created berries. Don't ask the name as I just picked colours and tried blending to get a fruit. If you find any resemblance to any do share. 🙂 I am loving this tiring drawing style at the moment. Lets see what happens next... As for todays Quote "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ―Theodore Roosevelt.

Monochrome Moments #01

I sit for a few minutes and free write. So sometimes, it mat make sense while at times it may appear clueless rambling. Do bear and enjoy !! 🤣🤣 It has been a while since I put something on my blog, well actually almost three years. Now, that life has picked up momentum, I am back too. Thankful and happy to be in the present. This black and white work is painted on Microsoft paint. It was quite tiring as I use a mouse but I kind of love the end result. Sometimes I feel that things look nice even without finesse and the black and white gives more warmth to a photo or picture which is otherwise not so visible because of the vibrant colours. Before I sign off a quote I read: The mind ought sometimes to be diverted that it may return to better thinking. - Phaedrus Read more at Brainyquote

October Hues

 Hello, So, We have reached the last quarter of the year. The year started good but by the end of three months Corona took over the television prime time and the lives of the people around the world. We may be safe but no one was left unaffected by its toll on the physical, mental and emotional health. Well, lets hope things turn out better as the world turns a year older in a few months.  Sharing a few of my artwork from this week... Oh! The light and the camera did not do much justice to the Pumpkin attempt but it surely looks better on paper . I am sticking to painting/drawing Pumpkin this month and would share my progress as a try to create a better version. 😁😁😁 So, let's call this one - 'Pumpkin- 01' Tried creating the 'water flowing under a bridge' and somewhere the perspective got haywire. I guess the colours have tried their best to save it . This is on my 'to learn' list.     This 'PAGE' above is a practice run for next year. I just hav...

Hello Friday

 Hello, K eeping the theme 'Autumn' created this digital card on   Photoshop.  Have tried the digital medium earlier but specifically creating a card foreground is something new. There are so many elements to use but then you don't want the work to look shabby while at the same time it appeals one to add   juuust  one more touch. 😁   Another one with the theme of October  I tried to paint a watercolor pumpkin. The photograph is on the darker side than the original. Couldn't not capture the actual hue. Ahh! Anyways here it is.

Monday Melodies

 Hello,  Its Monday again. No blues here as the autumn is around the corner. So, lets just hope for a bright and colorful month ahead.  The weekend was a relaxing one but the week looks ready for a sprint. SO, I thought of some Monday Motivation. A quote or any good thought that helps start the week on positive note. Underneath is a Tag I created for the Tag Tuesday hop where the theme is 'TREES' . Worked with three layers and a base layer for the tree and the background on Photoshop to get this effect. The Quote: Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. —Albert Einstein May all have a happy and safe month ahead. Until Next Post👋🙂

Loose watercolor Roses

Hello, Let's start the week with a lovely quote I read. Colors, like features,  follow the changes of the emotions. --- Pablo Picasso Well, this is so true. We may mask our emotions but somehow the eyes always give away the true feelings. It is just that very few bother to listen beyond the words.

Floral Friday

Hello, It is Friday fun with 'Florals' this time. I tried painting a rose. Never realized it would take so much time. Have sketched and then would paint flowers earlier but this was paint on paper without a sketch (to assist). I had to wait for a layer to dry before proceeding (...tiresome, every-time felt like I would never get the hang of next layer) but then Yaay!! Have a flower that looks like a .... ROSE