digital drawing 01

This time i have these digitally created berries. Don't ask the name as I just picked colours and tried blending to get a fruit. If you find any resemblance to any do share. 🙂 I am loving this tiring drawing style at the moment. Lets see what happens next... As for todays Quote "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ―Theodore Roosevelt.

October Hues


So, We have reached the last quarter of the year. The year started good but by the end of three months Corona took over the television prime time and the lives of the people around the world. We may be safe but no one was left unaffected by its toll on the physical, mental and emotional health.

Well, lets hope things turn out better as the world turns a year older in a few months. 

Sharing a few of my artwork from this week...

Oh! The light and the camera did not do much justice to the Pumpkin attempt but it surely looks better on paper . I am sticking to painting/drawing Pumpkin this month and would share my progress as a try to create a better version. 😁😁😁 So, let's call this one - 'Pumpkin- 01'

Tried creating the 'water flowing under a bridge' and somewhere the perspective got haywire. I guess the colours have tried their best to save it . This is on my 'to learn' list. 


 This 'PAGE' above is a practice run for next year.
I just have quotes, shapes and drawings(doodles would be a better name) in a notebook, but seeing the beautiful and unique journals I plan to start one next year. A proper journal, journal.

Stay Happy, Stay Safe.
Until Next Post👋🙂

OH! don't miss to meet the other creations at the party at Paint Party Friday


  1. Beautiful art work! The water flowing under the bridge gives hope - hopefully Corona will flow away sooner or later. Stay safe and well, hugs, Valerie

  2. Nice paintings.
    Happy PPF xx

  3. Beautiful artwork. I love the bridge and water. Love your pumpkin too. Your art piece about enjoy each moment is so true and lovely. Corona is beyond terrible. It definitely has effected me in so many ways. I don't watch the news anymore. My kids are doing school from home and it is stressful for me. Anyhow thank goodness for ART. Now more than ever we need to make more art and express our feelings. Lovely post and happy PPF! :) Have a lovely weekend. Take good care.

  4. I think your art is lovely. I really like the water under the bridge. Well done. Be safe and enjoy your day.

  5. I quite like all three! Love the quotes page

  6. I love your art, fantastically painted!
    Happy PPF, hug Elke

  7. Lovely art Ira

    Happy PPF


  8. Lovely pumpkin (I know, isn't catching the light at this time of year a nightmare?!) and you're right, the colours in your tidal flow are magical - enough to forgive a little perspective experiment! I'm sure you'll enjoy the indulgence of a proper journal journal - it's a place to be yourself with more love and care than just in a notebook. Happy PPF!
    Alison x

  9. I love your style of painting and Pumpkin #01 is wonderful! I've been trying to paint pumpkins all month too so far. I'm getting the hang of it! :)


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