digital drawing 01

This time i have these digitally created berries. Don't ask the name as I just picked colours and tried blending to get a fruit. If you find any resemblance to any do share. 🙂 I am loving this tiring drawing style at the moment. Lets see what happens next... As for todays Quote "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ―Theodore Roosevelt.

Monochrome Moments #01

I sit for a few minutes and free write. So sometimes, it mat make sense while at times it may appear clueless rambling. Do bear and enjoy !! 🤣🤣

couple watching the stars

It has been a while since I put something on my blog, well actually almost three years. Now, that life has picked up momentum, I am back too. Thankful and happy to be in the present.

This black and white work is painted on Microsoft paint. It was quite tiring as I use a mouse but I kind of love the end result. Sometimes I feel that things look nice even without finesse and the black and white gives more warmth to a photo or picture which is otherwise not so visible because of the vibrant colours.

Before I sign off a quote I read:

The mind ought sometimes to be diverted that it may return to better thinking. - Phaedrus

Read more at Brainyquote


  1. Hello Ira. I am so glad you are back to blogging. Your blog is beautiful. I hope you join in with my Friday Face Off. It's fun and there are some really wonderful people that share the faces they create. I am now a follower of your. Have a lovely day.

  2. Hello Ira!! I do love your monochrome moment and I agree about the warmth of the grayscale vs colour sometimes! I've tried to do some digital art but I don't have the steady hand on the mouse for it! Thanks for joining in! Hope to see you weekly!! ♥♥

  3. Hi, I like what you created here. Very often a sketch is enough. :)


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